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mul multigo HOT

MultiGo is designed to view/edit Smart-Go format(SGF) go game file. It also supports other popular file format including *.BDX, *.NGF, *.GOS, *.GIB, *.UGF, *.GO. You can easily navigate through the game and branches, add/remove markers and comments, create or edit your own branches. You could use MultiGo to play with GNU Go, or even record/play go video.

Suggestions and comments are very welcome. Click here for contact information. Enjoy!

multigo printshot2
Created 2017-09-29
Changed 2017-09-29
Version 4.4.4
Size 1.56 MB
(0 votes)
Created by
Changed by Marisa Giancarla
Downloads 460
License GNU/GPL external