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Universal 3D Chess ( Universal 3D Chess (Win) HOT

I’ve started this project a few years ago to teach go to children. I wanted to write a program that replay go games in 3D and nothing more. So I took the 3D Engine I was working on and used it to write the first release. But very quicly i saw that I could write something with very cute visual effects like complex camera movements, nice shading and lighting etc… So I took a few months to write it during my free time.

The goal was very clear : Play chess, go, shogi, xiangqi etc… At the same time in the same program, localy or online. I started with go just because i’m a go player. Now this project is running well for Go. I just need to add online games. And more funny features. Enjoy !

Created 2017-09-29
Changed 2017-09-29
Version 1.10
Size 9.5 MB
(0 votes)
Created by
Changed by Marisa Giancarla
Downloads 502
License GNU/GPL external