baduK is a pattern analysis and search engine for the game of Go/Baduk/Weiqi. An ancient boardgame common in Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. Features multiple databases, game previews and instant
...Kombilo is a go database program. Its main purpose is to search for games in which a given pattern or position occurs. You can also search for other criteria (like time period, players, events).
Kombilo is a go database program. Its main purpose is to search for games in which a given pattern or position occurs. You can also search for other criteria (like time period, players, events).
...Jacoto helps managing collections of SGF-records. It displays their properties in a table and allows manipulating it in several ways.

This is a trial version of BiGo Joseki. You can evaluate it for free for 30 days or register to remove nag window.
BiGo OCR distributed as info-donationware. Program registration is free of charge.
This is a trial version of BiGo Assistant. You can evaluate it for free for 50 days and decide what version of BiGo Assistant better correspond your needs.