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The more stones appear on the board, the more confusing it tends to become. In order to finish the game, you need to find every last move remaining to be played. How to do it quickly and confidently? Let me show you a technique you can use in this case.
Next lesson: youtu.be/v2H3A044UgM
The Fundamentals of Go on 13×13: www.youtube.com/playlist
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? gomagic.org
00:00:00 Endgame is hard
00:00:20 Labyrinth principle
00:01:52 What happened in the game
00:03:19 Let's count the score — 5 steps
The Labyrinth Principle. How to Finish the Game of Go | Go Basics: Endgame
Uploaded by:
Marisa Giancarla
Added on
17 January 2025
Our platform for learning Go: https://gomagic.org ?
The more stones appear on the board, the more confusing it tends to become. In order to finish the game, you need to find every last move remaining to be played. How to do it quickly and confidently? Let me show you a technique you can use in...
The more stones appear on the board, the more confusing it tends to become. In order to finish the game, you need to find every last move remaining to be played. How to do it quickly and confidently? Let me show you a technique you can use in...