Go, Game of the Millennia, four times running!
Go is the most ancient, continuously played board game in the world, with the rules remaining essentially the same for 3500 years. It is a two player, turn based, perfect knowledge game with an inestimable depth of strategy. It originated in China and eventually spread to Japan and Korea, where it is popular today as an intellectual, professional sport. It has since spread to the Western World, but it is still relatively unknown here.
In this talk we will discuss the history of the game, including tales and evidence of its origins, its expansion and migration around the world, its development as a professional sport, and its recent history in which Deep Learning AI finally became capable of beating the best human players in 2016.
Our guest speaker Steve Munday presents
History of the Ancient Game of Go
Uploaded by:
Marisa Giancarla
Added on
17 January 2025
Go, Game of the Millennia, four times running!
Go is the most ancient, continuously played board game in the world, with the rules remaining essentially the same for 3500 years. It is a two player, turn based, perfect knowledge game with an inestimable depth of strategy. It originated in China and...
Go is the most ancient, continuously played board game in the world, with the rules remaining essentially the same for 3500 years. It is a two player, turn based, perfect knowledge game with an inestimable depth of strategy. It originated in China and...